When is it time to hire a Managed IT Services Provider?
Is it when you have a certain number of computers/employees or reach a revenue milestone? Not really.
So when is it? The answer is actually quite simple. “Now.”
In today’s business world, it doesn’t matter how small— or large— your company is, every business can experience the benefits of hiring a Managed IT Services Provider. Over the years, we’ve heard a lot of reasons why businesses choose to outsource their IT support.
Here are the most common reasons why our clients chose managed IT services with Bit Perfection:
1. Budget
Having a dedicated IT professional on the payroll is a significant expense for a small to medium business. As your business grows, your IT demands will grow too. It’s rare that a business will keep pace with their IT needs. Oftentimes, the gaps in support can be detrimental to the business trajectory. A Managed IT Service mitigates all these issues. You pay a consistent monthly service fee that makes budgeting easier. If your IT demands increase, your Managed IT services scale to keep pace with your needs. You get the access and support of a full time IT professional without the payroll strain! Bit Perfection works with business owners to design a support package that makes sense for your business. Our goal is to provide you with the service you need at a fraction of the cost of dedicated in-house staff.
2. Redundancy
Hand-in-hand with budgetary concerns, many small to midsize businesses often only have a single person managing their IT needs. A single person in charge of all IT operations is a single point of failure that could destroy your business. Even if you want to keep an internal staffer, partnering with a managed services provider can be crucial in disaster planning or business continuity planning.
3. Security
Operating a business without consideration to cybersecurity is no different than leaving the lights on and the door wide open when you leave work at the end of the day. At a minimum a company should run anti-virus, anti-malware, and anti-spam on every computer in their business. Ideally firewall protection, network security, and auto backups would be added. A Managed IT Service will install and maintain your security software with the latest versions— ensuring your information is protected. If by some unfortunate event, you do acquire a virus or malware, Bit Perfection is there to repair your computer and have it up and running quickly.
4. Efficiency
If you are like most business owners, you probably have spent hours researching and troubleshooting technical problems— that’s time you weren’t focussed on running your business and your actual job duties. A Managed IT Service enables you to stay focused on what’s important. In fact, having a Managed IT Service like Bit Perfection, any technical issues you may experience can be quickly resolved— getting you up and running!
5. Access to newer technologies
Advancements in technology are happening so quickly that it’s almost impossible to measure. Did you know that every 24 months, computer processing speed doubles? Running a business and staying in-the-know on the latest tech, software updates, cyber threats, etc. is overwhelming. Managed IT Service Providers, like Bit Perfection dedicate a significant amount of time to stay up-to-date on all the latest technology advancements. Using a company like Bit Perfection means you’ll never have to worry about your systems being outdated.
6. Proactive rather than reactive maintenance
Computers are one of the most neglected tools in today’s business world. If you rely on your car for your business, you probably keep the tires properly inflated and the oil changed. But when was the last time you cleaned your computer’s fan blades? When was the last time you defragmented your hard drive or double-checked that operating systems were up to date?
Unfortunately, for many, the only time a computer gets attention is when it breaks. By then, it is often too late for efficient or economic repair or replacement.
Using a Managed IT Service provider like Bit Perfection can ensure your computers are running properly and when necessary, are replaced properly before they permanently break. We can help create a plan to rotate out-dated hardware so you don’t have budgetary surprises. The cost savings associated with proactively maintaining your computer and networks is reason enough to use managed services.
Whatever your reason, working with Bit Perfection will save you time and money in the long run and deliver peace of mind immediately. As a business owner, you’ll know your IT systems are in good hands letting you focus on what’s important— your business.